Ever Feel Like a Small Lawn Mower?

lawn mower

I was born in 1952. From about 1960 it was my job to keep the grass cut (we didn’t have lawns) however, mowers were near the bottom on the list of necessities for a milkman trying to raise a family. It was way below food and such. It was even below beer and cigarettes, but I digress. (I hope that’s the right place to use digress) honestly it’s my first time.

The mower “depicted” (I looked up depicted) in the above photo would not come into my life until 1963. I distinctly remember the year because we moved to a rural shotgun house with 3/4 of an acre to mow (cut) and I started 5th grade. Our previous mower is “depicted” (shown) below.

There are two extremly important things you must know in order to use one of these horrible machines, well maybe three… #1 The blades must be kept sharp, #2 Don’t let the grass get over 3 inches tall, and #3 should be obvious, but worth mentioning, keep all body parts away from the blades. My right big toe is a bit shorter than the left one. That’s a whole “nuther” story, but I “digress” again.

Anyway, as a Christian do you ever feel like a really small lawn mower in a very large yard? I know I do. I feel like a machine entirely too small to perform the job. I see so many extremely intelligent bloggers and writers on WordPress. They have so much to say and know how to say it. Some have very impressive degrees and have all the facts. I honestly am in awe and look forward to learning from you.

I am at 67 years now. I became a Christian one year ago. I now feel the calling to do my part, no matter how small that part may be in order to spread Gods word and the promise of everlasting life. I think having a blog is, at least an important part. In biblical times the word was spread by shouting from the mountain. Then radio and then TV. Now the internet is the form of communication, especially with young people. If you want to speak to young people you must go where they are. ( I am a genius) There used to be a sports announcer that was famous for stating the obvious. I have no desire to be famous. (I digress)

My deepest desire is to make Jesus famous again because I am called (all Christians are called) to offer His promise of eternal life. I am not called to have a masters degree, become a priest, or be a genius. In simplest terms, the Bible tells me I am to present the story of Jesus in order to save souls.

I believe religious leaders and institutions have made it too complicated. I think many people fear the Church because they don’t understand it. Some may even feel imtimidated. The Bible is a big book. Young people as a rule don’t read many books, certainly not a book as thick as the Bible.

I see many young people listening to new age Christian music and I think that is good (not that they care what an oldie thinks) Reaching young people through music has a long history. I remember adults giving my generation a very hard time about our music in the 60’s and most of it was about peace and love. (Ok, I digress)

Nowadays, I am pretty sure that the best results in reaching the most people in order to tell the story of Jesus, and offer them eternal life will begin on the internet. People do not like door to door “anything” anymore, junk mail goes in the garbage, and you’ll need a long chain to drag people into Church without first creating interest.

So, back to my original point: I do feel like a very small lawn mower in the big yard of bloggers, churches, pastors, scholars, and religions institutions. But the Holy Spirit is with me. The Holy Spirit is guiding my “everything”.

If you read this far, thank you so much. Dennis

“I’ll get grammerly next time”

3 Comments on “Ever Feel Like a Small Lawn Mower?

  1. Your doing just fine. But grammatical correctness is for show off’s . Lol. Praise God with hus direction.

  2. Pingback: Seasons of Life - The Daily Sinner

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