Tag: Christians

You Have A Superpower; It’s Called Words

Politicians are fond of using the phrase “words mean things” Politicians are pretty good at stating the obvious and it almost made me happy to have found at least one thing politicians were good at. That is until I realized they only used this…

Seasons of Life

A very wise man “Jim Rohn” wrote a book. It was called “The Seasons of Life”. In this book he uses the seasons as a metaphor to illustrate the phases of our lives. Now this may be old news to many, especially folk climbing…

Should Christians Compete?

During our lifetime we all compete

Negative Christians In The Workplace

After recently joining Olvey Bible Church and dedicating my life to the Lord I have realized how difficult it can be to function in the workplace as a Christian. I would state that nothing can stem my excitement and happiness but I can’t help…