Negative Christians In The Workplace

After recently joining Olvey Bible Church and dedicating my life to the Lord I have realized how difficult it can be to function in the workplace as a Christian. I would state that nothing can stem my excitement and happiness but I can’t help but notice something that was not visible to me before and something else that was always visible. First, something that was not visible to me was how differently Christians are treated in the workplace, especially new excited ones. It can be lonely especially when you are bursting open with joy in your new life and want to talk about it, but cannot. Secondly, something that I do see “has” been visible to me for a long time, but I see it differently now. What I saw were “Church People”. These were coworkers who went to church and made sure that everyone knew it. I honestly believe they were Christians but their behavior didn’t seem any better or in some cases worse than their co-workers. I am positive this behavior has a negative effect on people who may believe in God but feel they do not want to be like the “Church People”. I can say this because I felt this way myself for many years. I can also
say this because I heard it just the other day from a young man I work with. His words directed to me were “Church People are all alike, They think they are better than everybody else”. He went on to share a very negative interaction that I won’t repeat because I was not there, but I can relate to his story based on my own past experiences and a very recent phone call from a co- worker and friend I have known over twenty years. My friend (I’ll call him Rob) called me the other night to congratulate me on accepting Jesus as my savior. Knowing Rob was a Christian, I was very excited and wanted to tell him all about how my life had changed. I began to tell him I was now a member of Olvey Bible Church but I was interrupted mid sentence after that. My friend Rob has a powerful voice that is impossible to overcome and he began to talk very badly about my other co workers. He attacked every thing and almost everyone I know. I thought he would never stop and I honestly considered hanging up. By the end of the call my happiness and excitement was not gone but it was definitely bruised. That conversation deeply disturbed me and I looked for an answer in prayer. My answer came in knowing I had to do something but feared talking to Rob would never work, but I could send him a letter……

                          My friend Rob,   People don't write letters much anymore. It has been lost with email, Facebook, and cell phones but I miss the personal connection and often send letters to my family and friends.   I was happy when you called the other night. Knowing that you are a Christian I was very excited to tell you about my experience giving my life to the Lord and how it has changed every aspect of my life in all ways for the better.   God is now in full control and guides me through every decision I make, everything I do, every thing I say, and I will say he is much better at those things than I am by myself.    Since accepting Jesus as my savior I am free from life's pressures and struggles. I finally have my priorities in order and my ducks in a row. I know my life here on earth is short, only as a vapor, but I will spend eternity with Jesus.    Giving my life to the Lord has relieved the pain of loss knowing that I will be with my Elizabeth again.   I wanted to tell you all these things but we seemed to get sidetracked by recent events and discussion that led our conversation away from telling you about my happiness. I apologize for allowing that to happen and hope you don't mind but I felt writing a letter would keep me on track.
Brothers in the Lord together, Dennis

So far I have not heard from Rob, but I know I will, most likely face to face. I pray that he heard my message, at least I know he heard how happy I am and how I have changed. I know most Christians are kind and non judgmental, but just like all businesses it only takes one person to do damage. If you are injured and have to go to the emergency room, you may receive excellent care and kind treatment by a dozen people, but let just one person be rude or treat you unkindly and what is it that has the everlasting impression? It doesn’t seem fair but that’s just how it is. As Christians we are always on stage and to others we represent God all day, every day, wherever we go. None of us are perfect and we will fail, but when we make a mistake, or say the wrong thing, we should always apologize or make it right.

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  1. Pingback: My Old Excuses For Not Attending Church (Part 4) - The Daily Sinner

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