Make an Impression, Even If It’s Disgust

God Chose Me

The title of this article “Make an Impression, Even If It’s Disgust” came to me while participating in a Bible themed race called “Amazing Grace”. While participating in these races or just for exercise, I always wear my favorite hat which reads “walking with Jesus”. I wear the hat because without Him I would not be out there. In addition to the hat, a Bible race bib will display the name of the Bible race and sometimes I wear faith based based shirts as well.

We All Advertise for Someone

Other runners/walkers wear various themed hats or Tee’s. It’s somewhat rare to see a participant with simply blank outerwear. I usually notice runners shoes and outerwear as we meet or pass because it can tell me some things about the runner. I especially like to know what kind of shoes others trust the safety and health of their feet and bodies to because shoes are the most important piece of gear for a runner. Hats or shirts may offer insight into what the person deems important. It may be a popular brand name, workplace, the title of a race, a sponsor, or a cause of some sort. I always wave and say hello if possible. Sometimes a runner is struggling or pushing themselves to continue, so I just toss out a wave because I know they don’t want to waste any air on speaking.

I Know Who Sponsor’s Me

I’ve said all that to say: When I’m out there I want everyone to know “what I’m into”. I don’t want there to be any mistake about what is most important in my life. There’s no time for a conversation with someone as they fly by watching their time and speed on a smartwatch. But, unless they are completely “zoned out” it will be plain for them to see that Jesus is my life when we meet or pass.

Given the opportunity, I would tell them that Jesus “saved my life” as one of my tee shirts reads, or “with God all things are possible” which is printed on one of my hoodies, or maybe “I can do all things through Christ” as the cross around my neck reads. I wish to be a walking/running testimony to God our creator, Jesus my savior and Lord. Daniel 4:2 “I want you all to know about the miraculous signs and wonders the Most High God has performed for me.”

Seeing Myself In The Mirror

As stated above, this article came to me while participating in the “Amazing Grace” event. I was wearing my Jesus hat, “Amazing Grace” race bib, and “Jesus saved my life” Tee shirt. As a young male runner approached and we passed, I smiled and waved. The young man looked me up and down with a look of disgust on his face; I believe he may have been shaking his head no as he passed.

To be fair, this is a rare reaction, but it is very upsetting to me when it happens. It was upsetting to think that this young man could be lost and may even have a disdain for anything pertaining to God or faith. Maybe he just feels it wrong to display your faith on a hat or Tee shirt? But it really got me thinking this time. I couldn’t let it go until finally a dream made it perfectly clear; That young man used to be me. As that young man I despised people who flaunted their so-called religion. I felt they were fanatic’s who pushed it into my face trying to make me feel guilty. Religious stuff belonged in a church was my viewpoint back then.

Despising the church and religion as a whole came from disgust and was based on what is called “carnal” things that were done to me by man. I doubted there could be a God with all the bad things going on around me. That’s another story, but I knew how the young man felt, maybe not the exact reasons but I knew “where his disgust was coming from”. And most importantly I remembered how significant his reaction was.

Disgust is a powerful reaction and stirs deep emotions. Sometimes it takes disgust for us to make a change in our lives. We can become so disgusted with our job, our relationship, or even a troublesome car that we feel compelled to make a change.

The Power of Disgust

I quote “Jim Rohn” often because he had such a positive influence on my life. Jim passed away a few years ago, but he illustrated how powerful disgust can be by telling the true story of a man (William) who struggled financially all his life having to drive old cars that were constantly breaking down, leaving him stranded. One day a car that had been particularly troublesome would not start “again” so he could go to work that morning. “Totally disgusted” William went inside, got his shotgun, and unloaded a box of 12 ga. shells into that car blowing it full of holes! while saying to himself: “I’ve had it, I’m making some changes in my life!” Then he saves the car and parks it in his back yard. After his wife bailed him out of jail, he goes home, parks the bullet ridden car in his back yard. Then he immediately went back to school, finished his degree, and soon after became the CEO of a large company. Needless to say, he now drives an outstanding car. Today, when people ask him his secret to success, he says “come, let me show you this car in my back yard”.

Disgust Can Be The Beginning

After my wife “Liz” passed 2 years ago, I was totally disgusted with life, people, and especially God. My disgust focused on God. He would have been right to strike me down after all the things I called him and my fit throwing. I even dared Him to kill me on more than one occasion. But even though it began with disgust, at least I was talking to God. I had begun to acknowledge Him.

Likewise, the young runner responded to my display of faith with disgust. Afterwards he may have reviewed the reasons for those feelings. Maybe he will curse God like I did and begin a conversation with Him. I don’t know, but disgust has changed most peoples lives in some way, at one time or another. I do know disgust played a large roll on my road to salvation. We never know when a small action taken or a little thing said might just plant a seed. That little seed may grow into a fruitful tree which serves God our creator, instead of man.

So I will continue to display my faith in all things; both visually and in my actions. I will never waiver, be ashamed, or weak in my faith. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

4 Comments on “Make an Impression, Even If It’s Disgust

  1. What wonderful insight. In addition to being a great story teller, your articles are extremely thought-provoking. You provide valuable lessons for all of us.

  2. I love that you proudly where your faith based items! More of us need to be bolder like that, myself included. Great blog, great insight

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