My First Birthday

Picture of Dennis

“I didn’t publish this at the time because of editing, but here goes”

Today I am “One”.                        9/30/19 

One year ago, I was born again. So, what has changed?  

 Of course, I go to church each Sunday, but many go to Church each Sunday who are not born again. So, what’s the difference?  

I now look forward to going to Church. I sometimes speak at Church. God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit have entered my life, my heart, and I feel wonderful! My life is now being led by The Holy Spirit and he is doing much better than I ever did on my own. 

 Needless to say, my attitude, my outlook, and my entire philosophy is reborn.  

I was negative, now I am positive.  

I hated; I hate no more.  

I loved money; I now love my Lord and savior, Jesus  

I worked for man, now I work for God.  

I was in pitiful physical condition; I now compete in run/walks for charities.  

Before, I mindlessly sat in front of the TV set, I now publish on Christian websites in order to spread my testimony and God’s word. 

Before, I read everything but God’s word, actually avoiding the Bible, now I read the Bible and pray each day. 

And although the word “I” is used much in the summary of how my life changed after being born again, I know that it’s not me it’s Him, it is all Him. All glory to God! 

If you are reading this and have not accepted Jesus as your savior. If you want to be happy like me, and have the offer of eternal life instead of eternal death, all you have to do is ask. It’s just that simple. Sincerely ask and you will receive. 

               Love from me, Dennis 

#Jesus Wins

19 Comments on “My First Birthday

  1. This blog was referred to me last night. My first thought was , it will be like all other blogs but once i started reading the posts , i went on and on reading till the end.

    i was so negative in the past but i have learned a lot that negative emotions are the single biggest enemy that any of us have. But question in place is

    Where do negative emotions come from?

    To me , what i have learned in my 60 years that negative emotions depend on blaming someone or something else for negative situations that happen in their life.

    In every situation, whether it involves you directly or not, you are always at least partially responsible for what happened

    Just to know more about and to discuss it with you , as far i can imagine your name is Dennis Stanley ?

    • Yes I am Dennis Stanley a relatively new, Born again Christian. I agree, all my sins were my decisions, but I am now forgiven.

      • I am really upset about my past. It is full of bad deeds. My past is not letting me to move forward. How to forget all ?

      • Delgado, I am no trained counselor or cleric, but I do know God will forgive your sins and you can have a new eternal life. Jesus forgave the thief on the cross next to him. But just as the thief, you must believe in God and accept Jesus into your heart, as Jesus (God’s only son) is the one who died on the cross to erase your past sins.
        Please find someone you trust and know is a Christian who can guide you. Or go to Church and just talk to the pastor.
        If you want I’ll find someone for you to contact in in your area.
        Love from me brother. I’m here for you.

  2. I saw your blog today. it is very spiritual. I very much inspired. I am a negative person and want to become positive and want to hate no more. I still have not accepted Jesus as my savior. Please tell me how can I work for Lord and Savior, Jesus. I also want to reborn my philosophy.

    • James, it is wonderful that you seek Jesus. The Bible tells me, you, and all of us that all we have to do is “believe”. That sounds too simple I know. It did to me too. In my case, I attended a non-denominational Bible church to learn a bit more and as I learned more about what that meant, I went forward and publically accepted Jesus as my savior and dedicated my life to serving God.
      Since that point, the Holy Spirit has helped me along the way.
      I was like you, a very negative person and full of hate. All that is gone now. I am truly “born again”.
      I wish you were nearby so I could offer you our church family, for that is what they become, a family which is always there for support. James, please seek out someone close that you know, without a doubt is a Christian. Tell them what you told me here, go to church with them, and you will receive your new life too.
      You are always welcome here to talk with me. God bless you James, much love from me.

      • Dear LORD! I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me.
        I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you.
        I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you.

      • Dennis Stanley,

        thanks for your love and support.

        God bless you and your family

  3. Let a man walk alone, let him commit no sin, with few wishes, like an elephant in the forest

  4. Guys Nice Blog . I Wanted to ask a question from the experts.

    I’m a New Christian! Where does one get started in the Christian life?

    On a scale of 1 to 10 of what I knew about God and the Bible is 1. So i am very new, just seeking for help.

    • Dear Ross,

      The Bible is the very word and will of God, preserved for us so we can get to know who He is and what He wants for our lives. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.There is an acronym, ACTS, which always proved to be the most helpful

      I can help you. You can Contact me on my email or visit our website at .

    • My goodness Ross. First, welcome! I am also relatively new, as you see. Congratulations on being saved and becoming a Christian. My best advice would be to visit some churches until you find one where you feel at home. You will know when you find it. You will learn more/quickly and become a part of the church family.
      You will find a way to serve and that’s what it’s all about!!

  5. Hi Mate ! This is so great i think others could benefit from learning about it. To be honest when i started reading this blog i was sure it is just a time waste but now i can certainly say i was wrong and you did it well.

    Apart from this i have a suggestion for you. The content and engagement on this blog is excellent . But the user interface is not good. I appreciate if you think on getting this done from some experts so when someone visit this blog it please or gain their attention from looks.

    I just wanted to let you know. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for your Step of guidance for humanity. I appreciate your dedication.



  6. Pingback: Born Again - The Daily Sinner

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