My Deadliest Sin

Proud me as Rooster
Proud me as Rooster
Me being proud

Putting “me” first or self-promotion used to be a common practice of mine. This was a habit and habits can be hard to break. In the workplace and the world, self-promotion is acceptable and even expected behavior. For Christians, it is not acceptable at all. This is “pride” and pride is a very bad thing. It may be my deadliest sin.

New International Version
Proverbs 16:5 says: The LORD detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished. (King Solomon)

Why My Pride Is So Bad

Hollywood, via the movies and TV, actually glorify self-promotion and many people would be confused as to why self-promotion would be considered bad. Admittedly, at times I drift astray and must take a step back and examine why I am doing something. Am I working to enrich myself or am I working for God? Do I speak because I enjoy praise or do I speak in order to spread God’s word? Do I write a blog to promote God’s Word or for my own self-promotion? Sometimes just pausing and asking myself those questions is the remedy.

This conflict is the Holy Spirit working within me. I can feel him involved in every aspect of my life, my every action, and my every thought. This is what I think it means to be “filled” with the Holy Spirit. I don’t judge or doubt those that may get very excited or speak in tongues when filled with the Holy Spirit. Maybe that has a purpose and place but having the Spirit involved directly in daily life and guiding me along my way seems to be more helpful and productive, or rather “fruitful”.

Pride is a widespread sin that runs deep within and we often don’t realize it’s even there. It’s a nasty sin that’s a part of every other sin and is the sin we most share with Satan and the fallen angels. Like most people, I know the list of deadly sins. They were burned into my brain by a creepy movie fittingly titled “Seven”.  Pride (Latin; superbia) is considered on almost every list the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins (Wikipedia). The list itself does not exist in the Bible, another one of those common Bible misconceptions however, they are all addressed in the Bible.

I Am The Daily Sinner

Still, I sin and admittedly wrestle with my deadliest sin: “pride”. That’s why my blog is titled thedailysinner as I didn’t stop being human after becoming saved. I struggle like everyone else, but when I became a Christian I was “forgiven” and my life not only changed, my life was set on Fire. I am busy doing something almost constantly until I fall asleep. Everything I do is now influenced by God through the Holy Spirit and here’s the best part: I cherish every minute of life here on earth with my friends and family and I also cherish my work and testimony for my God. Life is a gift given to us by God. I firmly believe we are no accident and we owe our lives to Him, not science. I’m not saying science is bad. Science is a very good thing when used for good. Just as there are good and bad people, there is good and bad science (but that’s another article) What I look forward to most is my eternal life in heaven with Jesus, my friends, and family. Like the song says “I Can Only Imagine” (but I feel sure it will involve dancing)

I’ll dance like Elaine




9 Comments on “My Deadliest Sin

  1. Great post! And I love the Elaine dancing! Lol! Pride is, indeed, deadly.

  2. Love it! Very good to look at in our lives. I to struggle with this, and feel most do, if they could just see it in there lives. And I do not say that judging. Thank you for the thought.

  3. Great article, Dennis. A good reminder to keep ourselves in check and to ask for God’s help with this deadly sin. I’ll be smiling for a long time over ‘dancing like Elaine’, one of my favorites.

  4. This is a good one to go back and re-read when I need to! I have to remind myself about being prideful. Excellent post!!

  5. Pingback: Are You Spoiled Rotten Or Is It Just Me? - The Daily Sinner

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