I Can’t Give You a Million Dollars

a million dollars
Big Money!

There are many things that we cannot do in life. For instance, I cannot perform heart surgery to save your life, I can’t cure a crippling disease, and I can’t give you a million dollars. Neither can I, by myself suddenly change the course of history or make the entire world get along. 

But there is something I can do. It’s something we all can do and it costs absolutely no money. It’s the thing that would change the course of history and make the entire world a better place if only we would do it.


You may already know what it is: KINDNESS. Treat others as you would like to be treated. It’s the type of kindness that you extend to everyone, not a select few or only people who agree with you. This is the type of kindness you extend to your enemies and that’s not easy. There’s one of those old sayings that proclaims: “if it was easy everyone would be doing it”. 

Of course, it would be wonderful if we could flip a switch and everyone all over the world would instantly become kind to one another. We all know that’s not going to happen but the way to make things better is to BEGIN. If we don’t begin how can we ever finish? 

The world is a big place and I for one don’t travel all over it, but what I can do is be kind to everyone around me, my family, my friends, co-workers, and everyone I come in contact with, including people who don’t agree with or even like me, and maybe the toughest people of all to be nice to, the ones who are mean or rude to me. I must be kind to these people (especially them).


Hate gets started and grows like a cancer from one area to the next, so wouldn’t the opposite have to be true? If we each begin to harbor only kindness within ourselves would it not grow strong like the oak tree? Well, the cynic will insist that it’s just not possible and the cynic is correct. Man cannot achieve total kindness or world peace on his own. If history has taught us anything it’s “we just don’t get along”.

There is however a “way” and it’s the only way. I can’t give you a million dollars but I can give you something much more valuable. How much is your life worth? Our life here on earth is extremely short. Why not live it with love and kindness instead of hate and bitterness? 

Total kindness, world peace, and love can only be achieved by our one and only God. Through believing and accepting Jesus as our Lord and savior. I can personally attest: the hour I  first believed, all hate, bitterness, malice, and evil left my soul. I was filled with love, kindness, and a peace I had never before experienced,  The Holy Spirit

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

King James Version (KJV)

When your short time here on earth is done where would you like to spend eternity?

It’s a choice given to you by Jesus

3 Comments on “I Can’t Give You a Million Dollars

  1. You are absolutely right! Being kind is much easier when you are happy. And what makes me happy is having Jesus in my heart.

  2. Jesus demanded our kindness! By being kind it fulfills a basic need within ourselves and that is love. To be kind is to love one another as God loved us.

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