Having The Faith Of A 57 Chevy Belair

With such a weird title as: “Having the Faith of A 57 Chevy” no doubt you are asking yourself, “what in blue blazes is that about?” Well, just hang in there with me for a few moments. I’ll try to explain. This was a post on my blog. Yes, I am one of those, a blogger. But writing is one of my few gifts which became much better with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Writing about faith will ensure some personal attacks out there in blog-world. Even the name of the site which is titled, “thedailysinner” makes me a target. But it’s a conversation starter as I readily admit to my attacker that I do probably sin daily. Apparently, my attackers “never sin.”

Originally, the title 57b was chosen as an attention grabber (a hook) That’s what it’s called in the theater of news.. or writing in general. In the literary world a good example might be, “To Kill a Mockingbird.” or how do you like this one? “Does God Ever Speak through Cats?” Yep, it’s a real book written in (2006) by David Evans. Who is David Evans? Well, I’m going to tell you.

But you have to think back, way back to 1966-69 era. David Evans was an iconic television writer on shows such as: “The Monkees” and “Love American Style”. After these impressive successes, David became frustrated with television (I can’t imagine why?) and he wanted to move into a different kind of writing so hence, Does God Ever Speak Through Cats? was born. Am I the only one that must read a book titled, Does God Ever Speak Through Cats…. See, that HOOK thing worked on me.

So, why am I talking about an author that wrote such a seemingly absurd book? Well, David was the son of a Presbyterian preacher, but when he was old enough, David ran as far away from the church as he could. I guess writing for television usually qualifies as pretty far from God’s word. Not long after David left Hollywood, before he wrote the cat book, and as he was searching for answers and his next phase of life, he attended a church for Easter.

Using David’s own words here: “I stayed away from the church for years. Then one Easter Sunday I went to church and had a powerful conversion experience.”

The content of the experience was very vague really. I didn’t know exactly what to do, and I was filled with more questions than answers. All I knew was that some way or other God had claimed me to be His and that my life would never be the same again.]” Who remembers a similar experience?”

Davids statement here reminded me of a bible verse (I admit that I had to look it up) but it’s, (Proverbs 22: 6) one of the most quoted verses about parenting. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I realize this verse is for children, but is that not exactly what we are after receiving Jesus? We are “born again and starting a new life.”

Higher Ground

A few years ago, I went to a place called “Higher Ground” Actually Higher Ground is not a location it is a faith-based program and retreat. The location is on a mountain (near Eureka Springs) where there are no phones or distractions and you become emersed for three days in worship, testimony, and God’s word. But, like “Fight Club” nobody’s supposed to talk about “Higher Ground.” Only people who have attended over the years understand why. Maybe I can explain it this way, it’s an immersive experience in faith that would be greatly diminished if you knew the itinerary beforehand. And I’m not saying any more about it.

Well (Except this one thing) It just fits so well with part of David’s wonderful Easter experience, that part where he says: “The content of the experience was very vague really. I didn’t know exactly what to do, and I was filled with more questions than answers.”

Let’s just keep this story among ourselves. So, on the last day of Higher Ground there is a competition (because men like competition) this is how you keep their attention. Each team or group must put together a skit based on one of the guest speakers and (what the speaker talked about) They want to make sure you were paying attention! There were (6 or seven of us to a table, or team) I think there were some rules to the skits, like etiquette and having a message or something, but I don’t think we really listened to the rules. As I remember, it was sort of a free-for-all, just a group of men left to their own devices. What could go wrong? One of the skit’s created was about a man named Jed. See? (Right from the git-go, the guys are already veering off track. (he probably didn’t keep his family fed) So, this man named Jed responded to the Pastors call after the sermon, came forward, and accepted Jesus as his savior. The Pastor and other team members were all patting Jed on the back, congratulating him, and were all very happy and having a grand time. Then they all just left, leaving Jed standing there alone.

Jed was still very excited, but he didn’t know what to do next. He said, “I guess I should pray.” So, he knelt down and began to whisper a prayer. Just then a young man walks by and asks: “hey man, whach-you doin?” Jed says, I’m praying and asking God to forgive my sins. The young man says, “dude, that ain’t how you pray!” Here let me show you how to do it. The young man knelt down beside him and said man, you gotta TELL God what you want. You can’t whisper or he can’t hear you above everybody else! With that, the young man began to scream at God demanding He listen, forgive him, and also give him that new car He had promised him. The man named Jed thought, alright, that makes sense.

The following Sunday, since Jed was known to be an excited new Christian, he was asked by the pastor to give the opening prayer. Jed stood up and began screaming at God and demanding new clothes, money, and a new car, but he at least said Amen at the end.

The obvious point to this skit fits right in there with David’s words after receiving Christ. (You remember, the cat guy) Remember, David said, “The content of the experience was very vague really. I didn’t know exactly what to do, and I was filled with more questions than answers.” I think the point really is we need to support one another especially new pilgrims. (that’s what we were called at Higher ground) pilgrims. OK now “I gotta stop talking about Higher Ground.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

” .

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

So, I did read, “Does God Speak Through Cats.” And briefly, it’s a story about the writer David Evans who hates cats (which used to describe myself) who moved into a house that came with a cat that lived in the back yard. The man intended to keep it that way and shooed the cat away if it came anywhere near him. But, over time and with strategic encouragement from his wife Sally, the cat finally made it into the kitchen to be fed, then the living room, and soon David’s bed belonged to the cat. And the cat decided which parts of the bed to share with David and Sally. During this process David learned how to appreciate and love the beauty of nature, animals, and God’s creation. Davids’s heart was softened as he and the cat bonded. To me it seemed that God was laying the groundwork before claiming David as his disciple on that up-coming Easter Sunday.

back to the 57 Chevy thing.”

I have the benefit of knowing why the title was chosen and it’s not meant in any way to be disrespectful of faith; on the contrary. First, the longing for the and purchase came before I dedicated my life to the Lord. (Verse) purchase of the car y.

I have owned and loved this 57 Chevy Belair for about 20 years, and it was not easy to come by. As you know, they are not making them anymore and people who have one will not let them go easily. I had wanted one all my life and finally decided to mortgage our house and get one. I used the pretense of buying it for my wife Liz so she could drive it back and forth to work.

Don’t Even Think About It

Now I know (if you have not thought of it already) some of you guys out there are thinking, “hey that’s a pretty good idea! I just have to convince my wife that that bass boat or 4-wheeler will be for her.” So, we can spend more time together or whatever other deal you think you can make that might work. Well, before you try that, let me tell you this: “trying to trick your wife never works out.” Liz drove that 57 Chevy to work until summer arrived and she realized it didn’t have air conditioning. So, long story short, this meant I had to buy an additional car which did have air conditioning. Now there were two more cars to maintain, tag, license, and insure each year.

If you have ever owned or driven an antique car, then you know they require ongoing TLC. Of course, that’s true of anything mechanical. But, one of the best qualities of antique cars is: they are easy to work on. You don’t plug them into computers or need a degree in electronics to work on them.

Like The “Tin Man

One of the worst things you can do to a vehicle is let it sit still and never drive it. And, like a 57 Chevy when a person (like me) which was also made in the ’50s and sits still for long period of time we become like the “Tin Man.” We stiffen up and can’t move. But a 1957 Chevy was built to last and with proper loving care and exercise will last almost indefinitely.


The title of this article had come to me one day while staring at that old car in the garage. (if you have forgotten) I had not felt well for a long while. Stress, worry, and back surgeries had gotten the best of me. I felt my prayers were going unanswered and to be honest, my faith was beginning to falter. The thought occurred to me that I should at least drive the Belair, but the weather was bad, snow had fallen, and salt was on the roads (I couldn’t expose the car to salt) So, because of my procrastination, the 57 getting on the road under those conditions was out of the question. I wondered what toll my neglect would take on the old girl.

Finding The Answers

During this thought process it occurred to me what was wrong with my personal situation; why medical problems, stress, and worry had consumed me. While I wondered what toll my neglect would take on an old car, I should have been wondering what a toll neglect to my God and faith would take on me.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths…..How plain is this verse??? This is pretty easy to understand. I should tattoo this on my hand.

The Metaphor

Jesus often spoke in parables. The 57 Chevy may be more of a metaphor than a parable, but the Holy Spirit does not care what we call it, he speaks to us in many ways. When I actually listen, the Holy Spirit speaks or shows me things in ways that I can understand.

That 1957 Chevy Belair is beautiful and dependable. It is a classic and there is no other like it. When I am driving that car I am happy and it seems to make everyone along the highway that sees me happy as well; the happiness is contagious. We are all out there just waving, smiling, and honking.

So, on that cold day in the garage staring at a 57 Chevy, I began to realize some things about faith and why my faith might be suffering. Like that 57 Chevy, faith is antique. Antique cars must be more than 25 years old. faith has been here forever. Faith is also beautiful, dependable, and strong. Having faith makes us happier because we are secure in our life and even our eternity. When our faith is strong it is apparent to everyone around us and (just like driving an antique car down the street) happy faith can be contagious. We perform better in all aspects of our lives when our faith is strong. But just like neglecting that 57 Chevy, neglecting my faith took a toll on me. While it’s true that I didn’t feel well and I had gotten wrapped up in current events, I tried to handle it all myself instead of maintaining my faith. Like a 57 Chevy faith is not complicated. We don’t need fancy electronics or degrees to maintain the faith; anyone can do it.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths..

I don’t really like the phrase “God works in mysterious ways.” I believe God is the same all the time and steadfast in his ways, not mysterious. The Holy Spirit knows best how to convey a message to me in a way that I understand and gets my attention. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, my faith is now maintained and back on track. After putting this all together, I wondered why we have so much trouble keeping the faith. There are some obvious answers like peer pressure that comes from co-workers. Sometimes I feel like God does not hear me or I have done something that made Him abandon me. Maybe you don’t agree with a church policy or a church member. The daily news can test everyone’s faith.

But then I think of “JoeBill.”

My best friend Sheila and I work at the same health care facility. We both trust each other unconditionally, seek each other’s advice, respect, and depend on each other. We both are Christians and like-minded on probably every issue. I have known her for maybe 20 years and we have been best friends for many of those. So of course, I know her family as well. When I say “know” her family, I mean we talk about our families often because that’s what friends do. I have met a few of her family members but had never met her brother JoeBill. Sheila and I were going to Branson to see a Disney show production. I honestly don’t remember who suggested we invite JoeBill but he wanted to go and was invited. I am always apprehensive about meeting family members of someone I care about. I feel like I’m on stage or being “sized up.” They (the brain doctors) say people form an opinion of you within a few seconds of meeting you for the first time. If you make a bad first impression it may take a very long time or even impossible to repair that first impression. The Disney show was a week or two away so I had plenty of time for my nerves to reach their full potential. (Yes, I know I have a problem). But, the evening finally arrived along with Sheila, and JoeBill at my house. Sheila introduced JoeBill to me and me to JoeBill, but JoeBill has a speech impediment, and at first I cannot understand what he is saying. Sheila, bless her heart basically interprets for me during the 45-minute drive to Branson. You see, JoeBill Has Down Syndrome and I know that played a major role in my apprehension leading up to meeting him. I have noticed that most people seem to avoid others who they deem “different.” They just don’t know what to say or do, so they avoid them altogether. These are not bad people they just don’t want to say or do something wrong. The Disney show was on “The Branson Belle” which is an old type paddlewheel showboat. You enjoy a ride around beautiful Table Rock Lake while being served a great meal and the show. I have been many times. The show and food are always amazing, a unique experience, and I highly recommend it if you get the chance to go. We had a great time of course, but what I enjoyed most was watching JoeBill. His face was lit like a Christmas tree and he was enjoying every second. All the Disney characters, costumes, songs, music, and dialogue he absorbed like a sponge. And, I’m betting he still remembers every detail. Wow! just think about it, we have so many things going on in our minds it’s nearly impossible for us to really enjoy anything to the fullest. I read somewhere that we have 7 different thoughts going on at the same time in our head. There are many ways I’ve heard the following old saying quoted, but I like the short version “wherever you are, BE there.” JoeBill is always there “entirely there.” He soaks it in, he “gets it.” He keeps it. You might hear JoeBill talking out loud quite a bit in his room. After an hour you might wonder, “who in the world is he talking to for so long?” If you go closer and listen at his door you’ll find out he is talking to God. He talks to God about anything. He talks to God about everything. He talks to Him just as you would if you were talking to your dad or a friend. And after all, he IS talking to his Father and absolutely the best friend he has. Below is a photo of JoeBill’s Bible. Whatever your faith, this is the way a book should look that teaches and guides you through life. JoeBill also likes coloring books and there have been many famous people who liked to color. Heavyweight boxing champ George Foreman comes to mind. He always colored before a fight. He said it calmed him down. I think we could all use something to calm us down. I plan to give that a try. JoeBill absolutely loves WWE wrestling and it’s no surprise that his favorite wrestler is the 16-time world champion, “John Cena.” We have requested and are hoping John will consent to meet JoeBill someday soon. I would give any of my possessions to see JoeBills face at that meeting. As a side note, I wouldn’t challenge JoeBill to a wrestling match because he knows all the tricks, moves, and holds. (He remembers everything) He would probably make me end up looking like a pretzel. JoeBill has his own room, TV, DVD player, small fridge, and other items that allow him to remain largely independent. Having Down Syndrome certainly does not keep him “down”. He has hundreds of varying DVDs and has every western ever made. What’s more, he pretty much knows them all by heart. I call this his “superpower.” And isn’t that the case with many, or all special needs people? I’m certainly no expert but I know several of these wonderful people and most excel at something. I used to feel sorry for special needs families and wondered why and how such a tragedy could happen. I felt me and my family were the “lucky ones. ”In my own ignorance, I just couldn’t understand why parents of a special needs person felt blessed beyond measure to have them in their life. Only after spending a little time with JoeBill did I finally understand. We complicate our lives to the point that we just can’t keep up with what we really need (which is love) to receive it but more importantly, to give it. We lose track of what’s most important (which is God)

My friend JoeBill is truly a gift to this earth and anyone who has the pleasure to know him. JoeBill believes, trusts, and has never once lost faith in Jesus. JoeBill loves every person and every creature unconditionally as you can tell by the photo of him and his cat who he appropriately named “Tom.” When it’s all said and done, he is simply living and following exactly what his rugged, old, tattered book called The Bible has taught him. I wish I could say the same for myself.


Liz, A Life Well Loved

My Girl Magdalene

Category: Observations


Antique Hospital

10 Comments on “Having The Faith Of A 57 Chevy Belair

  1. I love this, Dennis. I think I’ve been suffering the same maladies. This article puts everything in perspective. Thanks for the great analogy!

  2. Thank you Sandra. It means so much to hear from you. Sometimes It helps to know someone is reading and I’m not alone in my struggles.

  3. You are definitely not alone in your struggles! People of faith are like everyone else, human beings that often fall short of expectations of those around us, of ourselves and of God. But “people of faith” is the key phrase. We always know that no matter what we are feeling, God is there for us. It actually reminded me of an old song:

    Pick yourself up…
    Take a deep breath…
    Dust yourself off
    And start all over again

    Nothing’s impossible, I have found
    For when my chin is on the ground
    I pick myself up
    Dust myself off
    And start all over again

    Don’t lose your confidence
    If you slip
    Be grateful for a pleasant trip
    And pick yourself up
    Dust yourself off
    And start all over again

    We don’t really have to start all over again. I think we can resume our faith journey that much stronger through God’s grace.

  4. What a wonderful message, Dennis! I needed that today. Thank you!

  5. Thank you so much Jana for reading and taking the time to comment! It sure means a lot and is an encouragement for me to keep going!!

  6. Never think your alone, we all have times in our lives that
    things get in our way & steals our happiness at some point.

    We have to keep it in our minds we are here for a reason &
    only God above knows what that reason-purpose is, not us
    I know when I have bad days I ask God what is it he wants?
    cause sometimes it’s a message from above we are missing.

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