Category: The Pig Men

“Living Large” At The Amazing Public Housing Projects (Part 2)

It was so dark now; if not for porch lights, I could see nothing. I sat on the edge of someone’s porch and began to cry, when off in the distance, I heard a whistle. Then I heard it again, and I knew it…

“Living Large” At The Amazing Public Housing Projects (Part 1)

I sure hated moving away from that tiny trailer in the run-down, but awesome, trailer park and would miss my friends. However, Big Jon would not be missed. We lived in many places during my childhood, but it never seemed to matter where –…

Painful Ribs And Whisky (Part 5)

It was several days before Saturday came. That was the day selected by dad for me to race Big Jon. In the days leading up to it, I received training each day. Although there was some running, it was not so much physical training,…

Little Creek Of Pain To Little Race Of Pain (Part 4)

Admittedly, when I heard dad’s whistle I began to cuss. Cussing was an art form to us boys and I could hold my own with any of em’. Each of us had been homeschooled by some of the best. Our dads were cussing scholars. They could…

The Little Creek of Pain And Adventure (part 3)

How to field dress wounds

The Little Creek Of Pain And Adventure (part 2)

Part 2 (Dam Construction) Flower Garden Blues I froze…. Although the other boys continued their chatter, my ears focused on the sound of that whistle. As it came a second time, I scrambled to my feet, pushed through the group of boys, and after…

The Little Creek of Pain and Adventure (part 1)

(Come on, read a little story for a change) Part 1 Few things can attract a little boy more than a creek. As a little boy once myself, I can attest to the magnetic pull and adventurous sound of flowing water. There are muddy…