Breaking News From An Avid Critic Of The Young Generation

Teen playing guitar.
My Rock-N-Roll Life

I Have Always Been An Avid Critic Of Any New Generation

(Me talking) Why these young people are lazy, they have no respect, don’t know how to do anything useful, and think the world owes them a living. (sound familiar?)

I was born in 1952, during the birth of rock-n-roll. As I grew into my pre-teen years, I endured constant criticism from my parents. This criticism was not only directed towards me but my schoolmates, friends, and in fact, my entire generation.

Their list of grievances knew no boundaries. It included (but was not limited to) the way I dressed, talked, walked, and even smelled; remember that cologne “High Karate?” They didn’t like how I slept when I slept, or how long I slept. They didn’t like what I ate. They didn’t like what I thought or my outlook on what my life should look like. They especially didn’t like my long hair and then there was the music; that awful rock music! The music that came straight from the gates of Hell and was rotting all of our minds and souls.

At 15 when I joined a band myself and began playing this horrible evil music, my dad was a constant critic, calling it a bunch of noise. But it wasn’t noise, it was just different from what he was used to. While it’s true that each generation has extreme people which carry things too far, by and large, young people mean well. They are trying to find their way in life. If you can remember that far back, you may see yourself also searching for answers. That’s why as children we all need guidance from our parents.

The Bible has all of the answers..

Proverbs 22:6 says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

The argument can be made that many kids today do not have both parents which makes it more difficult to “Train up” a child in the way he should go. And while that is certainly true, the are a multitude of examples demonstrating that while it may be more difficult, it is certainly possible.

It is exponentially more possible when a child is brought up in a faith-based home. The first example that came to my mind was Dr. Ben Carson. We all know Dr. Carlson as the famous neurosurgeon who ran for President and served in President Donald Trump’s administration. Almost everything was against Dr. Carson’s success. Broken home, poverty, and raised by his struggling mother, but even with all her troubles, she was a mother that had faith in God. She instilled this same faith in her son, supported, and led him along his journey to success in his profession, as a leader, and a wonderful example of what God can do in any situation.

Psalms 91:14-15 says:

(I inserted Dr. Carson’s name because God is talking to us all) “Because Dr. Carson hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him. I will set him on high because he hath known my name. Dr. Carson shall call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver Dr. Carson and honor him.”

If you really believe The Bible is God’s word, then the answer to responsibly raising up children is: to love God. We can rightfully argue that the government is removing God from the schools, workplace, and every aspect of society they control. I would respectfully ask: should we depend on the government to instill faith in our children? Should that not be a parent’s responsibility? Do we need anyone’s help in order to love God?

Parents will always be concerned but should not be dismayed just because the world their kids or grandkids are growing up in is not the same world in which they grew up. It might be more difficult in some ways and a parent may have to do things differently, but I submit (and The Word says) that parent/parents bear the responsibility, not the school, not society, or the government.

Speaking of Gods laws, it is written in: Deuteronomy 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up” That’s pretty plain to me: “THOU shall teach unto THY children”

GODS RHYMING BABIES ... (I used to write poems for Liz) They had to rhyme!  
Some Babies are born with a silver spoon 
But a spoon is not useful to babies so soon 
 Babies arrive at night but sometimes it's noon
  They arrive when it's convenient once in a blue moon
But whenever they arrive a new life is born
  Screaming their arrival loud as a car horn
The Angels in Heaven rejoice for each birth
  And celebrate their arrival on Gods green earth
For He created each on their special day
  To serve God's purpose in their own way
He knew David a great giant would slay
  And Moses would not lead until old and gray
He knew Daniel would survive the lions den
  And Job could stand Satan's worst again and again
All Gods babies are loved and cherished by Him
  No matter size house or country the're in
Don't fear for your babies in times such as these
  Just remember Gods babies through history please
For he brings them all as they are needed
  When in faith they walk Gods call is heeded
So remember what a parents main goal is
  And raise up a David, Daniel, Job, or Moses 


4 Comments on “Breaking News From An Avid Critic Of The Young Generation

  1. I really enjoyed this post, Dennis. It hit home. I love the poem!

  2. It was great and parents really needs to hear this. The greatest job God has ever given me was to raise a child and then introduce him to Jesus. I thank God often for saving my son!

  3. Pingback: Advice For Judgmental Church People - The Daily Sinner

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