Why Did God Bother Creating Man?

The Cross

I have always wondered why God would bother with creating man. What I mean by that is, with the big mess we have made of our tiny planet, why would God put us here to mess it up. He knows all. He had to know how sinful we would become. After all, we started sinning right away. God knew Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit, so what’s the point?

Who Qualifies?

Scholars and religious leaders have written all sorts of “absolutes” on this subject and might insist that I am not qualified to speak about it and maybe even accuse me of spreading false doctrine if what I say does not agree with their particular view. To them I would say: Jesus did not say that scholars or the most “educated” would see the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, Jesus seemed to dismiss them. Jesus did not seek scholars as His disciples. He drafted mostly people like me, working people such as fishermen.

The Door

This “holier than thou attitude” existed during the time of Jesus, throughout history, and it continues today. We are not commanded to get all of this exactly right. Almost everyone knows John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” That verse is extremely easy to understand. I believe that when you truly believe in Jesus you receive the Holy Spirit in your heart and you long to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. If we had to get all the “rules” exactly right, the door would not be narrow, it would be closed and locked!

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One Comment on “Why Did God Bother Creating Man?

  1. So excited to see you writing again!
    Wonderful writing and so true!

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